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Bartools Quickstart Guide

0. Install and load the bartools package

You can install bartools from GitHub:

# first install Bioconductor dependencies
if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
BiocManager::install(c("edgeR", "limma", "ComplexHeatmap"))

# then install bartools via GitHub
if (!requireNamespace("devtools", quietly = TRUE)) {
devtools::install_github("DaneVass/bartools", dependencies = TRUE, force = TRUE)
## Loading required package: edgeR
## Loading required package: limma
## Loading required package: ggplot2

1. Importing DNA barcode count data

Raw barcode count data can be thought of similarly to raw integer-based count data from other count based experiments such as RNA-sequencing. For these data types the edgeR package provides an efficient DGEList object structure to store sample counts and associated metadata. bartools makes use of this object structure to store and process DNA barcode counts.

An example barcoding experiment

For this section we will make use of a hypothetical DNA barcoding dataset based on recent unpublished data from the Dawson lab investigating the response of acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) cells to a novel class of MYST acetyltransferase inhibitor described recently in MacPherson et al. Nature 2019.

AML cells were cultured in vitro, barcoded using a lentiviral based barcoding library called SPLINTR, and transplanted into three groups of C57BL/6J mice with daily dosing of MYST inhibitor at low or high dose or a corresponding vehicle control.

Barcode containing cells were harvested from the bone marrow of diseased mice and sequenced in technical replicate.

To follow along with this vignette the raw counts tables and sample metadata are included in the bartools package.


Generating a DGEList object from sample counts and metadata

Counts objects defined above can be specified in a sample metadata sheet as shown below. This is the easiest way to generate a DGEList object containing the count information and metadata of interest for a set of barcode sequencing samples. An example of this process is shown below.

samplesheet <- read.csv(
    package = "bartools",
    mustWork = T
  header = T,
  stringsAsFactors = F

To read in a sample sheet in excel format:

samplesheet <-
samplesheet <-
rownames(samplesheet) <- samplesheet$sample

Whatever format your sample sheet is in, make sure that the rownames are your unique sample names.

Load in the counts as specified in the samplesheet into a DGEList object. The function expects file locations to be specified either as character vector of filenames, or as a column named files in the samplesheet.

dge <- edgeR::readDGE(
  files = samplesheet,
  group = samplesheet$treatment,
  labels = samplesheet$sample,
  header = F

This results in the creation of a DGEList object containing counts and metadata information for each sample.

# Load the test dataset 
## An object of class "DGEList"
## $samples
##       Sample Experiment        Group PCR_Replicate Treatment        group
## T0-1    T0-1    test_01           T0             1        T0           T0
## T0-2    T0-2    test_01           T0             2        T0           T0
## S10-1  S10-1    test_01 10_High_dose             1 High_dose 10_High_dose
## S10-2  S10-2    test_01 10_High_dose             2 High_dose 10_High_dose
## S11-1  S11-1    test_01   11_Vehicle             1   Vehicle   11_Vehicle
##       lib.size norm.factors
## T0-1   3584606            1
## T0-2   3349340            1
## S10-1  4114186            1
## S10-2  4196458            1
## S11-1  2907500            1
## 33 more rows ...
## $counts
##         Samples
## Tags     T0-1 T0-2 S10-1 S10-2 S11-1 S11-2 S12-1 S12-2 S13-1 S13-2 S14-1 S14-2
##   BC_1    175   79     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
##   BC_13  1458  834     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
##   BC_99  1155 1554     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
##   BC_120  285  184     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
##   BC_351    0    0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
##         Samples
## Tags     S15-1 S15-2 S16-1 S16-2 S17-1 S17-2 S18-1 S18-2 S1-1 S1-2 S2-1 S2-2
##   BC_1       0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0    0    0    0    0
##   BC_13      0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0    0    0    0    0
##   BC_99      0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0  105  205    0    0
##   BC_120     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0    0    0    0    0
##   BC_351     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0    0    0    0    0
##         Samples
## Tags     S3-1 S3-2 S4-1 S4-2 S5-1 S5-2 S6-1 S6-2 S7-1 S7-2 S8-1 S8-2 S9-1 S9-2
##   BC_1      0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
##   BC_13     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
##   BC_99     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
##   BC_120    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
##   BC_351    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
## 1634 more rows ...

2. Data QC and Normalisation

Data QC

We first want to ensure that we are working with clean data. Using the thresholdCounts() function we can determine an appropriate threshold to apply to the data to maximise signal to noise and retain true and informative barcodes.

We can test different thresholding parameters, such as absolute thresholds on total read counts as below.

# Remove barcodes (rows) with no data
test.dge <- test.dge[rowSums(test.dge$counts) != 0, ]
  type = "absolute",
  threshold = 1,
  minSamples = 1,
  plot = T,
  group = "Treatment"
## DGEList dimensions pre-threshold
## [1] 1490   38
## DGEList dimensions post-threshold
## [1] 1490   38

  type = "absolute",
  threshold = 10,
  minSamples = 1,
  plot = T,
  group = "Treatment"
## DGEList dimensions pre-threshold
## [1] 1490   38
## DGEList dimensions post-threshold
## [1] 1462   38

  type = "absolute",
  threshold = 10,
  minSamples = 3,
  plot = T,
  group = "Treatment"
## DGEList dimensions pre-threshold
## [1] 1490   38
## DGEList dimensions post-threshold
## [1] 387  38

Or relative thresholds based on proportion within a sample.

  type = "relative",
  threshold = 1e-10,
  minSamples = 1,
  plot = T,
  group = "Treatment"
## DGEList dimensions pre-threshold
## [1] 1490   38
## DGEList dimensions post-threshold
## [1] 1490   38

  type = "relative",
  threshold = 1e-5,
  minSamples = 1,
  plot = T,
  group = "Treatment"
## DGEList dimensions pre-threshold
## [1] 1490   38
## DGEList dimensions post-threshold
## [1] 1381   38

  type = "relative",
  threshold = 1e-5,
  minSamples = 3,
  plot = T,
  group = "Treatment"
## DGEList dimensions pre-threshold
## [1] 1490   38
## DGEList dimensions post-threshold
## [1] 322  38

Here we will continue with an absolute threshold of 10.

dge.filtered <-
    type = "absolute",
    threshold = 10,
    minSamples = 2,
    plot = F
## DGEList dimensions pre-threshold
## [1] 1490   38
## DGEList dimensions post-threshold
## [1] 1316   38

We then normalise samples to sequencing depth to counts per million using normaliseCounts().

dge.cpmnorm <- normaliseCounts(dge.filtered, method = "CPM")

We can plot the raw and normalised sequencing depth to get an idea of depth discrepancies between PCR replicates.

# raw counts per sample
plotReadCounts(dge.filtered, group = "Treatment")

# normalised counts per sample
plotReadCounts(dge.cpmnorm, group = "Treatment")

For lentiviral based cellular barcoding experiments, such as this one, it is common for the library to exhibit a degree of skewness based on the cloning method. This means that some barcodes are represented in the library more than others and so have a greater chance to be transduced into multiple cells.

Most experiments assume that each individual barcode is transduced into only one cell, and that each cell is only transduced with one barcode. This is ensured using a low multiplicity of infection (MOI) transduction in which the likelihood that a cell is transduced with one or more barcode containing virions follows a Poisson distribution.

With this in mind, it also can be useful to check the total counts per barcode to identify bias in counts in sample vs. frequency of barcode in reference library.
The barcodes are labelled based on their ranked frequency in the reference library.

# plot detected barcodes ordered by frequency in reference library
plotBarcodeCounts(dge.cpmnorm, log10 = F)

# plot log10 barcode counts
plotBarcodeCounts(dge.cpmnorm, log10 = T)

# order barcodes by count across samples
plotBarcodeCounts(dge.cpmnorm, log10 = F, order = T)

# order barcodes by count across samples with log norm
plotBarcodeCounts(dge.cpmnorm, log10 = T, order = T)

In the first and second plot individual barcodes on the x-axis are ordered based on their frequency in the reference library pool.
An increased number of counts per barcode toward the left hand side of the plot would be suggestive of transduction bias, meaning that there are more reads on average attributed to the more abundant barcodes in the library. And so, likely multiple cells were transduced with the same barcode.
We don’t see this here suggesting that this is not a problem for this experiment.

Check correlation between PCR replicates

It is also important to ensure that individual samples are sequenced to an appropriate depth as this ensures that the entire barcode repertoire present in a sample is captured in the data. Sequencing technical duplicates of a sample generated at the library PCR stage is a good way to ensure this.

In our experiment we have 9 samples total, each with two PCR technical replicates. Here, we correlate the barcode distributions for each pair of technical replicates.
NB: This only works for paired replicates, i.e. not more than 2.

# get all unique samples
# column "group" contains information on replicates here
unique_samples <- unique(dge.filtered$samples$group)

# only plot subset of samples. 
lapply(unique_samples[1], function(x) {
  # subset dge object to get replicates of sample
  replicate_names <- colnames(dge.filtered)[dge.filtered$samples$group %in% as.character(x)]
    sample1 = replicate_names[1],
    sample2 = replicate_names[2],
    rug = T,
    trans = "log1p"
## [[1]]

We fit a linear model to both technical replicates per sample and plot the regression line. Note that we expect a very high correlation because these are PCR replicates of the same barcode pool.

We can also easily get the correlation values between replicates using calcReplicateCorr.

Samples can be filtered for high or low correlation using the threshold and return variables.

corrs <- calcReplicateCorr(dge.filtered, group = "Group")
corrs[which(corrs < 0.999)]
##  11_Vehicle 2_High_dose   4_Vehicle          T0 
##   0.9988324   0.9975019   0.9975590   0.9983700
##  1_High_dose 10_High_dose   11_Vehicle   12_Vehicle  13_Low_dose  14_Low_dose 
##    0.9990488    0.9998575    0.9988324    0.9992809    0.9999569    0.9999779 
##  15_Low_dose  16_Low_dose 17_High_dose   18_Vehicle  2_High_dose  3_High_dose 
##    0.9998939    0.9998964    0.9998268    0.9995622    0.9975019    0.9997354 
##    4_Vehicle   5_Low_dose  6_High_dose    7_Vehicle    8_Vehicle   9_Low_dose 
##    0.9975590    0.9999389    0.9994985    0.9997087    0.9992878    0.9997056 
##           T0 
##    0.9983700

Finally sample replicates can be correlated globally using plotBarcodeCorrelation.

# Pearson correlation, full
plotBarcodeCorrelation(dge.filtered, clustered = T, upper = F, method = "pearson")

# Pearson correlation, upper
plotBarcodeCorrelation(dge.filtered, clustered = T, upper = T, method = "pearson")

# Spearman correlation
plotBarcodeCorrelation(dge.filtered, clustered = T, upper = T, method = "spearman")

Collapse PCR replicates in object

Now that we know our samples are of good quality we have no further use of the PCR replicate information. From this point onward its a good idea to collapse our PCR replicates.

## [1] 1316   38

collapseReplicates can take the average (default behavior) or the sum of PCR technical replicates within each sample. Here we take the average. Users may want to sum PCR replicates if there is evidence of sampling bias across technical repeats (i.e. poor correlation score or other evidence).

dge.filtered.collapsed <- collapseReplicates(
  group = "group",
  method = "mean"

The result is a clean barcode sequencing dataset ready for further investigation and visualisation.

## An object of class "DGEList"
## $samples
##              Sample Experiment        Group PCR_Replicate Treatment
## 1_High_dose    S1-1    test_01  1_High_dose             1 High_dose
## 10_High_dose  S10-1    test_01 10_High_dose             1 High_dose
## 11_Vehicle    S11-1    test_01   11_Vehicle             1   Vehicle
## 12_Vehicle    S12-1    test_01   12_Vehicle             1   Vehicle
## 13_Low_dose   S13-1    test_01  13_Low_dose             1  Low_dose
##                     group lib.size norm.factors Sample BC.count
## 1_High_dose   1_High_dose  3447629            1   S1-1       66
## 10_High_dose 10_High_dose  4114186            1  S10-1       78
## 11_Vehicle     11_Vehicle  2907500            1  S11-1       88
## 12_Vehicle     12_Vehicle  4202337            1  S12-1       70
## 13_Low_dose   13_Low_dose  4513559            1  S13-1       93
## 14 more rows ...
## $counts
##         Samples
## Tags     1_High_dose 10_High_dose 11_Vehicle 12_Vehicle 13_Low_dose 14_Low_dose
##   BC_1             0            0          0          0           0           0
##   BC_13            0            0          0          0           0           0
##   BC_99          155            0          0          0           0           0
##   BC_120           0            0          0          0           0           0
##   BC_426           0            0          0          0           0           0
##   BC_430           0            0          0          0           0           0
##         Samples
## Tags     15_Low_dose 16_Low_dose 17_High_dose 18_Vehicle 2_High_dose
##   BC_1             0           0          0.0        0.0           0
##   BC_13            0           0          0.0        0.0           0
##   BC_99            0           0          0.0        0.0           0
##   BC_120           0           0          0.0        0.0           0
##   BC_426           0           0          0.0        0.0           0
##   BC_430           0           0          0.5      413.5           0
##         Samples
## Tags     3_High_dose 4_Vehicle 5_Low_dose 6_High_dose 7_Vehicle 8_Vehicle
##   BC_1             0       0.0          0           0       0.0         0
##   BC_13            0       0.0          0           0       0.0         0
##   BC_99            0       0.0          0           0       0.0         0
##   BC_120           0       0.0          0           0       0.0         0
##   BC_426           0       0.0          0           0       0.0         0
##   BC_430           0      13.5          0           0       0.5         0
##         Samples
## Tags     9_Low_dose     T0
##   BC_1            0  127.0
##   BC_13           0 1146.0
##   BC_99           0 1354.5
##   BC_120          0  234.5
##   BC_426          0   81.0
##   BC_430          0 1022.0

If we repeat the above correlation plots we can see general similarities across samples

# Pearson correlation, full
plotBarcodeCorrelation(dge.filtered.collapsed, clustered = T, upper = F, method = "pearson")

3. Visualisation

bartools includes a range of visualisation options for examining barcode-seq datasets.

Bubble plot

Sometimes a visual depiction of the data is most suitable. Here, barcodes/tags are represented by bubbles aligned on a single plane. The size of the bubbles reflects the percentage abundance of each barcode within a sample.

                  proportionCutoff = 10, 
                  labelBarcodes = T)
## Warning: Vectorized input to `element_text()` is not officially supported.
##  Results may be unexpected or may change in future versions of ggplot2.

Using the orderSample parameter, bubbleplots can also be arranged according to frequency in a particular sample which can help with visual comparison of large vs small clones across samples and conditions.

                  proportionCutoff = 10, 
                  labelBarcodes = T, 
                  orderSample = "T0", 
                  colorDominant = F, 
                  filterCutoff = 0.001,
                  group = "Treatment")
## Warning: Vectorized input to `element_text()` is not officially supported.
##  Results may be unexpected or may change in future versions of ggplot2.

Barcodes that fail to meet a defined abundance threshold in any sample can be greyed out.

                  proportionCutoff = 10, 
                  labelBarcodes = T, 
                  orderSample = "T0", 
                  colorDominant = T, 
                  filterCutoff = 0.001, 
                  group = "Treatment")
## Warning: Vectorized input to `element_text()` is not officially supported.
##  Results may be unexpected or may change in future versions of ggplot2.

Or filtered from the plot entirely using filterCutoff parameters

                  proportionCutoff = 10, 
                  labelBarcodes = T, 
                  orderSample = "T0", 
                  colorDominant = T, 
                  filterCutoff = 0.1,
                  group = "Treatment")
## Warning: Vectorized input to `element_text()` is not officially supported.
##  Results may be unexpected or may change in future versions of ggplot2.

Barcode Plot

Alternatively, we can focus in on the most abundant barcodes within a set of samples to more easily observe how these change in frequency over the course of an experiment.

plotBarcodeHistogram(dge.filtered.collapsed, topN = 10, alphaLowFreq = 0)
## Warning: The `guide` argument in `scale_*()` cannot be `FALSE`. This was deprecated in
## ggplot2 3.3.4.
##  Please use "none" instead.
##  The deprecated feature was likely used in the bartools package.
##   Please report the issue to the authors.
## This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
## Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was
## generated.

Timeseries Plots

For timecourse experiments it is useful to visualise how the kinetics of barcode diversity changes over time. In this instance we can use plotBarcodeTimeseries to get an idea of the relative abundance of the top n barcodes in a sample relative to others.

                      top = 50, 
                      seed = 10101)
## Using barcode as id variables

Principal Components Analysis

A global level PCA analysis is a good way to get a high level understanding of the similarities and differences between samples.

               groups = "Treatment", 
               ntop = 1000,
               pcs=c(1, 2))


Another method of comparing abundance across samples is using a heatmap. Here barcodes ranked among the top n most abundant within each sample are indicated by an asterisk. This heatmap shows high dose samples are generally distinct from the low dose and vehicle group.

  normaliseCounts(dge.filtered.collapsed, method = "CPM"), 
  topN = 5,
  showBarcodes = F,
  group = "Treatment"

4. Analysing Composition and Diversity

Its important to not only be able to visualise the data but also understand relationships between barcodes/tags at the data level.

Identify compositional bias within samples

The above plots give a global visualisation of the abundance of each barcode within a sample however the compositional makeup can be obscured by visualising the data in this way. it can be helpful to examine the fraction of barcodes that comprise a sample. These plots calculate the cumulative sum of a sample in relation to other samples defined by the user.

samples <-
  which(dge.filtered.collapsed$samples$Treatment == "Vehicle")

  referenceSample = "T0",
  samples = colnames(dge.filtered.collapsed$counts)[samples]

Identifying abundant barcodes within samples

It is important to be able to determine which barcodes are most abundant within each sample. bartools allows this to be easily calculated according to an abundance threshold.

top.bc <- getDominantBarcodes(dge.filtered.collapsed, threshold = 0.05)
## $`1_High_dose`
## [1] "BC_79755"  "BC_102160" "BC_59493"  "BC_23361"  "BC_53234"  "BC_400391"
## $`10_High_dose`
## [1] "BC_8419"   "BC_124796"
## $`11_Vehicle`
## [1] "BC_53234"  "BC_205581" "BC_90135"  "BC_172626" "BC_58978" 
## $`12_Vehicle`
## [1] "BC_389078" "BC_159570" "BC_135438" "BC_500780" "BC_79755" 
## $`13_Low_dose`
## [1] "BC_8419"   "BC_124796" "BC_102160" "BC_257382"

We can then use specific plots to visualise the dominance of specific barcodes within and across samples.

# plot top barcodes across samples for mouse 10 (High Dose group)
  barcodes = top.bc$`10_High_dose`,
  group = "Treatment",
  conditions = c("Low_dose", "High_dose", "Vehicle"),
  point = T

Calculating and plotting percentile abundance.

The above graphs demonstrate that relatively few barcodes can sometimes comprise the majority of a sample’s clonality, particularly following a selective event such as drug treatment. It is useful to formally analyse this based on a desired percentile threshold. A common threshold is the 95th percentile. This can eliminate small barcodes that comprise the tail of the dataset and give a sense of how many clones truly comprise each sample

top_barcodes <- calcPercentileBarcodes(dge.filtered.collapsed, percentile = 0.95)
##          Sample NumBarcodes
## 1   1_High_dose          15
## 2  10_High_dose           3
## 3    11_Vehicle          19
## 4    12_Vehicle          14
## 5   13_Low_dose          11
## 6   14_Low_dose           6
## 7   15_Low_dose           7
## 8   16_Low_dose          19
## 9  17_High_dose           5
## 10   18_Vehicle          27
## 11  2_High_dose          12
## 12  3_High_dose          10
## 13    4_Vehicle          26
## 14   5_Low_dose          11
## 15  6_High_dose           9
## 16    7_Vehicle          16
## 17    8_Vehicle          21
## 18   9_Low_dose          19
## 19           T0         591
##           6_High_dose
## BC_79755    1313507.0
## BC_8419     1120457.5
## BC_124796   1013931.0
## BC_4564      461928.0
## BC_400391     93601.5
## BC_31610      43251.5
## BC_1478       33933.5
## BC_90135      32480.0
## BC_388103     29467.0
## [1] "BC_79755"  "BC_8419"   "BC_124796" "BC_4564"   "BC_400391" "BC_31610" 
## [7] "BC_1478"   "BC_90135"  "BC_388103"

We can compare the number of detected barcodes in the top 95th percentile per sample and the total sample.

  percentile = 1,
  plot = T,
  group = "Treatment", 

  percentile = 0.95,
  plot = T,
  group = "Treatment"

  percentile = 0.80,
  plot = T,
  group = "Treatment"

These plots show that there are few clones that comprise the majority of the dataset per mouse. Also, there are generally fewer clones present in the high dose group compared to the vehicle or low dose groups.

Diversity analysis

We can examine within-sample diversity in a few different ways. The most common are Shannon, Simpson, Inverse Simpson and Gini. Each will be applicable in different circumstances, however the Shannon diversity index is more widely used to compare global diversity amongst populations of barcoded cells.

calcDivIndexes can be used to determine various diversity indices per sample

diversity <- calcDivIndexes(dge.filtered.collapsed, group = "Treatment")
## Warning in cannot xtfrm data frames
##            name  shannon   simpson invsimpson      gini group
## 1   1_High_dose 2.348653 0.8444024   6.426835 0.9937718  <NA>
## 2  10_High_dose 1.225855 0.6032568   2.520522 0.9976422  <NA>
## 3    11_Vehicle 2.652009 0.8814286   8.433734 0.9914712  <NA>
## 4    12_Vehicle 2.414063 0.8399960   6.249843 0.9930451  <NA>
## 5   13_Low_dose 2.018988 0.8131654   5.352328 0.9952918  <NA>
## 6   14_Low_dose 1.519950 0.6814210   3.138939 0.9972041  <NA>
## 7   15_Low_dose 1.832241 0.7746745   4.438025 0.9961403  <NA>
## 8   16_Low_dose 2.778868 0.9048407  10.508698 0.9907836  <NA>
## 9  17_High_dose 1.534553 0.6789918   3.115185 0.9971341  <NA>
## 10   18_Vehicle 3.153789 0.9327042  14.859766 0.9864058  <NA>
## 11  2_High_dose 2.256249 0.8510421   6.713305 0.9943143  <NA>
## 12  3_High_dose 1.798299 0.6916723   3.243303 0.9959564  <NA>
## 13    4_Vehicle 3.122474 0.9318075  14.664379 0.9868916  <NA>
## 14   5_Low_dose 1.705062 0.6350995   2.740473 0.9959301  <NA>
## 15  6_High_dose 1.855066 0.7799154   4.543707 0.9958108  <NA>
## 16    7_Vehicle 2.605180 0.8891069   9.017692 0.9922683  <NA>
## 17    8_Vehicle 2.599855 0.8583819   7.061244 0.9915058  <NA>
## 18   9_Low_dose 2.747625 0.8980389   9.807663 0.9909330  <NA>
## 19           T0 5.496669 0.9850733  66.994135 0.7979588  <NA>

These diversity calculations can then be fed to plotDivIndexes for visualisation as either a bar or dotplot

# bar plot
  div = diversity,
  metric = "shannon",
  group = "Treatment"

# dot plot
  div = diversity,
  metric = "shannon",
  group = "Treatment",
  type = "point"

# summarized by condition as box plot
  div = diversity,
  metric = "shannon",
  group = "Treatment",
  type = "box"

Comparing abundance

We can also statistically test for barcodes / tags that are over / underrepresented in a group of samples relative to another using the internal edgeR framework. bartools contains a convenience wrapper for this functionality

                 group = "Treatment", 
                 condition1 = "Low_dose",
                 condition2 = "High_dose",
                 pval = 1e-04,
                 logFC = 10)

5. Session Info

## R version 4.2.2 (2022-10-31)
## Platform: aarch64-apple-darwin20 (64-bit)
## Running under: macOS 14.1.1
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS:   /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.2-arm64/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
## LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.2-arm64/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib
## locale:
## [1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
## other attached packages:
## [1] bartools_1.0.0 ggplot2_3.4.4  edgeR_3.40.2   limma_3.54.2  
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##  [1] nlme_3.1-163          matrixStats_1.0.0     fs_1.6.3             
##  [4] doParallel_1.0.17     RColorBrewer_1.1-3    rprojroot_2.0.4      
##  [7] ggsci_3.0.0           tools_4.2.2           backports_1.4.1      
## [10] bslib_0.6.0           utf8_1.2.4            R6_2.5.1             
## [13] vegan_2.6-4           BiocGenerics_0.44.0   mgcv_1.9-0           
## [16] colorspace_2.1-0      permute_0.9-7         GetoptLong_1.0.5     
## [19] withr_2.5.2           tidyselect_1.2.0      compiler_4.2.2       
## [22] textshaping_0.3.6     cli_3.6.1             Cairo_1.6-1          
## [25] desc_1.4.2            labeling_0.4.3        sass_0.4.7           
## [28] scales_1.2.1          pkgdown_2.0.7         systemfonts_1.0.5    
## [31] stringr_1.5.1         digest_0.6.33         rmarkdown_2.25       
## [34] pkgconfig_2.0.3       htmltools_0.5.7       fastmap_1.1.1        
## [37] highr_0.10            rlang_1.1.2           GlobalOptions_0.1.2  
## [40] rstudioapi_0.15.0     shape_1.4.6           jquerylib_0.1.4      
## [43] farver_2.1.1          generics_0.1.3        jsonlite_1.8.7       
## [46] dplyr_1.1.4           car_3.1-2             magrittr_2.0.3       
## [49] Matrix_1.6-1.1        S4Vectors_0.36.2      Rcpp_1.0.11          
## [52] munsell_0.5.0         fansi_1.0.5           abind_1.4-5          
## [55] lifecycle_1.0.4       stringi_1.8.1         yaml_2.3.7           
## [58] carData_3.0-5         MASS_7.3-60           plyr_1.8.9           
## [61] grid_4.2.2            parallel_4.2.2        forcats_1.0.0        
## [64] crayon_1.5.2          lattice_0.21-9        splines_4.2.2        
## [67] circlize_0.4.15       magick_2.8.0          locfit_1.5-9.8       
## [70] knitr_1.45            ComplexHeatmap_2.14.0 pillar_1.9.0         
## [73] ggpubr_0.6.0          rjson_0.2.21          ggsignif_0.6.4       
## [76] stats4_4.2.2          reshape2_1.4.4        codetools_0.2-19     
## [79] glue_1.6.2            evaluate_0.23         vctrs_0.6.4          
## [82] png_0.1-8             foreach_1.5.2         gtable_0.3.4         
## [85] purrr_1.0.2           tidyr_1.3.0           clue_0.3-65          
## [88] cachem_1.0.8          xfun_0.41             broom_1.0.5          
## [91] rstatix_0.7.2         ragg_1.2.5            viridisLite_0.4.2    
## [94] tibble_3.2.1          iterators_1.0.14      IRanges_2.32.0       
## [97] ineq_0.2-13           memoise_2.0.1         cluster_2.1.4