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bartools 1.0.0

  • Updated function parameter inputs across whole package
  • Updated quickstart vignette, added single-cell vignette
  • Added functions aggregateBarcodes, filterBarcodes, plotUmiFilterThresholds, plotUmiPerBarcode, readBartabCounts, plotBarcodesPerCell for single-cell data and plotSampleCumSum for bulk data
  • removed deprecated plotLibraryCumSum, plotLibraryDiversity, proportionalBubbleplot

bartools 0.2.5

  • Added single cell QC plotting functions plotCellsPerGroup, plotMetrics, plotClusterEnrichment, plotCellsinClusters

bartools 0.2.4

  • Updated plotting functions for plotBarcodeBoxplot, plotAbundanceLines

bartools 0.2.3

  • Removed deprecated single cell workflows from package (workflow now in BARtab)
  • Updated plotting functions for plotOrderedBubble, plotBarcodeBubble, plotBarcodeHeatmap

bartools 0.2.2

  • Added dose escalation test dataset to package

bartools 0.2.1

  • Updated plotting functions

bartools 0.2.0

  • Updated plotDetectedBarcodes to color and reorder factors according to user input.
  • Updated quickstart vignette detailing a complete analysis workflow.

bartools 0.1.0

  • Updated plotBarcodeTimeseries to take top n barcodes. Speeds up plotting by only focusing on barcodes of interest

bartools 0.1.0

  • Included current versions of all plotting functions to package.
  • Added a file to track changes to the package.