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Collapse technical replicates in a DGEList object by mean or sum. Modified from collapseReplicates function from DESeq2 package to accept DGEList objects and to allow collapsing replicated by mean or sum.


  sampleNames = NULL,
  renameCols = TRUE,
  showReps = FALSE,
  method = "mean"



DGEList object with barcode counts.


Column name in sample metadata to group samples by (string).


Optional, column name in sample metadata that contains unique sample names (string). If provided, a new column collapsed_samples will be added to the sample metadata with the collapsed samples


Whether to rename the columns of the returned object using the levels of the grouping factor (boolean). Default = `TRUE`.


Whether to print replicate column names to console (boolean). Default = `FALSE`.


Method to collapse replicates by, one of `mean` or `sum` (string). Default = `mean`.


Returns a DGE object with normalised counts for a sample.


collapseReplicates(test.dge, group = "group", method = "mean")
#> An object of class "DGEList"
#> $samples
#>              Sample Experiment        Group PCR_Replicate Treatment
#> 10_High_dose  S10-1    test_01 10_High_dose             1 High_dose
#> 11_Vehicle    S11-1    test_01   11_Vehicle             1   Vehicle
#> 12_Vehicle    S12-1    test_01   12_Vehicle             1   Vehicle
#> 13_Low_dose   S13-1    test_01  13_Low_dose             1  Low_dose
#> 14_Low_dose   S14-1    test_01  14_Low_dose             1  Low_dose
#>                     group lib.size norm.factors
#> 10_High_dose 10_High_dose  4114186            1
#> 11_Vehicle     11_Vehicle  2907500            1
#> 12_Vehicle     12_Vehicle  4202337            1
#> 13_Low_dose   13_Low_dose  4513559            1
#> 14_Low_dose   14_Low_dose  4503490            1
#> 14 more rows ...
#> $counts
#>         Samples
#> Tags     10_High_dose 11_Vehicle 12_Vehicle 13_Low_dose 14_Low_dose 15_Low_dose
#>   BC_1              0          0          0           0           0           0
#>   BC_13             0          0          0           0           0           0
#>   BC_99             0          0          0           0           0           0
#>   BC_120            0          0          0           0           0           0
#>   BC_351            0          0          0           0           0           0
#>         Samples
#> Tags     16_Low_dose 17_High_dose 18_Vehicle 1_High_dose 2_High_dose
#>   BC_1             0            0          0           0           0
#>   BC_13            0            0          0           0           0
#>   BC_99            0            0          0         155           0
#>   BC_120           0            0          0           0           0
#>   BC_351           0            0          0           0           0
#>         Samples
#> Tags     3_High_dose 4_Vehicle 5_Low_dose 6_High_dose 7_Vehicle 8_Vehicle
#>   BC_1             0         0          0           0         0         0
#>   BC_13            0         0          0           0         0         0
#>   BC_99            0         0          0           0         0         0
#>   BC_120           0         0          0           0         0         0
#>   BC_351           0         0          0           0         0         0
#>         Samples
#> Tags     9_Low_dose     T0
#>   BC_1            0  127.0
#>   BC_13           0 1146.0
#>   BC_99           0 1354.5
#>   BC_120          0  234.5
#>   BC_351          0    0.0
#> 1634 more rows ...