Plot of cells per barcode
Takes a single cell object, a grouping variable, a factor within the group to test, and an ident class (i.e. clusters). Per level of ident performs hypergeometric testing for enrichment of group factor
sc.obj = NULL,
group = NULL,
order = TRUE,
trans = NULL,
threshold = 100,
plot = TRUE,
label = TRUE,
sep = ";"
- sc.obj
single cell object in Seurat or SingleCellExperiment format containing group metadata
- group
a column of metadata in sc.obj
- order
Logical. Rank order levels of group by cell number
- trans
From ggplot2. For continuous scales, the name of a transformation object or the object itself.
- threshold
threshold number of cells above which labels for group levels will appear
- plot
Logical. Plot results or return data.
- label
Logical. Label group levels above cell number threshold. if ggrepel is installed will use geom_text_repel instead of geom_text
- sep
Separating character used for aggregation (string). Default = `;`.